MC - Business owner, Sussex, UK, 40s

I've run businesses in various forms for decades, but I'd been itching to change direction for some time. Fear around losing my financial security and worry that I'd make the wrong choice held me back from making a decision. I knew Lucia could help.

Over a couple of months we worked through carefully-formulated mind-opening and analytical exercises that clarified my thinking into a crystal clear strategy. A portfolio career that keeps me earning while I invest time in moving into a really exciting new venture that encapsulates everything I want from my future working life.

I know with certainty that we have designed my new work-life - in a way that brings me happiness, fun and financial security. Working with Lucia wasn't always easy as some of the exercises and work take patience but when you see the outcome crystalise. it’s such a liberating and incredible place to be - her methods work. I'm left with not just a decision on direction that excites me, but tools and a framework to make sure I continue to make the right career decisions in future.

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