Lucia Knight Lucia Knight

Jo - Business owner, Surrey, 40s

I was faced with what seemed like endless opportunities; some I ‘should’ do and others that seemed beyond my reach and control. Lucia offered me a sacred space, without judgement, where all these opportunities could be unpicked and explored.

I have got to know Lucia over the past year or so through her hilarious and heart-warming emails and posts.

Since working with Lucia, I feel stronger. I know exactly what my Superpowers are, I know who I want to work with. For the first time in a long time, I have clarity and purpose.

I say no to work that drains me. Imagine that. Like, ‘No’.

I’m back to being me, the pre kids me. But better and stronger. I have re-energised and found my superpowers which I have harnessed and am ready to take out into the world.

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50s, 60s Lucia Knight 50s, 60s Lucia Knight

Catherine - Communications, London, 50s

I was stuck at a crossroads. As I grew older, I began to realise that there are less people like me, around my age, in the business. I was feeling almost paralysed by the decisions ahead of me. I didn’t want to do what I’ve always done so I needed some help.

After working with Lucia, it feels like the future is something that I’m very much in charge of - rather it’s being done to me! The big question for me and people in my age group is “what do you want to do with the last third of your life?” I now have a plan.

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50s Lucia Knight 50s Lucia Knight

Nick - HR, Surrey, 50s

Since working with Lucia, I have a long-term dream and ambition on what I want the next decade to look like that I’m moving towards. Also, practically, in the short-term, I now have a range of tools and techniques to help me make each day better, to do more of what I enjoy and to make sure I’m doing less of the work that I don’t enjoy.

The future feels positive, I know what it could look like and I have a plan on how to get there.

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