Lucia Knight Lucia Knight

Jo - Business owner, Surrey, 40s

I was faced with what seemed like endless opportunities; some I ‘should’ do and others that seemed beyond my reach and control. Lucia offered me a sacred space, without judgement, where all these opportunities could be unpicked and explored.

I have got to know Lucia over the past year or so through her hilarious and heart-warming emails and posts.

Since working with Lucia, I feel stronger. I know exactly what my Superpowers are, I know who I want to work with. For the first time in a long time, I have clarity and purpose.

I say no to work that drains me. Imagine that. Like, ‘No’.

I’m back to being me, the pre kids me. But better and stronger. I have re-energised and found my superpowers which I have harnessed and am ready to take out into the world.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Candice - Counselling, South Africa, 40s

Lucia is a powerhouse! She has the unique ability to skilfully provide you will the tools to facilitate the achievement of your goals.

She listens intently, commenting thoughtfully, acting as a catalyst for different thinking.

Her programmes offer a brave and encouraging environment where your personal growth and development can be fed and nourished.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Jo - Nursing, London, 40s

I think I had an expectation that there would be a moment, where I’d have an epiphany, a moment when I’d discover “OMG, I’ve always wanted to be an X” and I felt a bit of a failure for not knowing the answer.

One of my major learnings is that this type of change is a process. It’s not about looking for that thunderclap moment. I can now see a direction I want to go in and a path towards it.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Mike - Finance, Surrey, 40s

Initially I was hesitant to invest in Lucia's programmes as I was worried that I'd emerge knowing nothing new as I've already done a great deal of work on my personal development. But after working together for two months we have made some real progress - what were remote and shapeless ideas now have some shape, order and priority which makes them more tangible and easier to work with.

We worked through weekly "thinking assignments" as Lucia calls them, to piece together the many thoughts I'd had over the years on overhauling my career. While working together, I dismissed flights of fancy ideas and anything that required a leap of faith. We generated lots of ideas, then narrowed those to the Top 5 which play to my strengths and Superpowers and would therefore make my future work more satisfying and enjoyable. Then I narrowed those to two final ideas and selected the one which had the most realistic opportunity to succeed in the current environment.

I'm now on the brink of stepping into the water of a new career opportunity that fills me with excitement rather than my previous options: diving head first into the unknown or staying stuck in exactly the same place I've been for a while. I'm still a little nervous but I'm more excited.
Mike, Finance, Surrey, 40s.

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40s Lucia Knight 40s Lucia Knight

Di - Economist, London, 40s

When I signed up to the Superpowers programme with Lucia, I knew that I needed to make work work better for me, but the idea of interrogating what was wrong (and right) with work by myself was intimidating and painful, so I was looking for somebody to help guide me through the process and keep me honest with myself.

Lucia was able to see patterns in my behaviour and links between how I choose to spend my free-time and how I choose to spend time in work that were not at all obvious to me. 

Figuring out my “superpowers” has had all sorts of almost impacts that I wasn’t expecting.  I felt encouraged to deal with a big problem that I had been avoiding. Frustratingly, when I dealt with it, it didn’t turn out to be such a big problem at all. I’m feeling more excited about the future and have more energy than I’ve had for a while, and am already able to be more deliberate in making my current work fit me better. 

Lucia's feedback has helped me find possible ways to not throw the baby out with the bath water, in career terms.  I now have a good Plan A to let me focus on the areas of work that keep me energised and engaged while freeing up the time I need to pursue my other passions: and I know that I can always go back to Lucia to help me navigate plans B, C and D if Plan A doesn't work out.  

Dealing with fear of change is something that needs someone who understands your world but isn't bogged down by your baggage to help you navigate a new path. Lucia has definitely helped me on the road to becoming unstuck.

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